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Oriental Express


Artists  Gorovich, Tsuyoshi Suzuki

Label  Iboga Records

When Gorovich and Tsuyoshi Suzuki team up in a collaboration we know we are in for a uniquely crafted sonic journey. Whether its the undulating beat, shamanic call or insanely funky groove of this track that twists your senses, 'Oriental Express' will pull you deep and far into your mind's dimensions, finding a beautiful spot of freedom in this pulsating speck of the universe.

Oriental Express

When Gorovich and Tsuyoshi Suzuki team up in a collaboration we know we are in for a uniquely crafted sonic journey. Whether its the undulating beat, shamanic call or insanely funky groove of this track that twists your senses, 'Oriental Express' will pull you deep and far into your mind's dimensions, finding a beautiful spot of freedom in this pulsating speck of the universe.

1. Oriental Express (Original mix)

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