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Set: 34


Artists  Various Artists

Label  Iboga Records

Iboga Records is proud to present Set:34, featuring a fresh selection of psy-tunes from our catalogue.

Set: 34

Iboga Records is proud to present Set:34, featuring a fresh selection of psy-tunes from our catalogue.

1. Mellow
2. Flow
6. Freedom in You
7. Quantum Waves
8. Historia (Querox Remix)
Remixed by: Querox
9. Parallels
11. Clear Skies
12. Invisible Waves
13. Cydonia (E-Clip Remix)
Remixed by: E-Clip
14. Voodoo
15. Who Would You Call (Ananda (AUT) Remix)
Remixed by: Ananda
16. Fragments of Insanity
17. Arcadia (Captain Hook Remix)
Remixed by: Captain Hook
18. Vortex
19. Raven
20. Dawn on Hyperion
21. Enjoy Your Day (Original Mix)

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