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First Contact Remixed


Artists  Alien Art

Label  Iboga Records

As the Alien Art album dawns on the horizon, we delve into the cosmic archive of the duo's tracks, and unveil fresh interpretations. "First Contact" is back for an encore, not once but twice, as Bliss and Skizologic weave their magic, presenting two new renditions that elevate the original composition to unexplored dimensions. Get ready to be abducted into a realm where beats transcend galaxies, and "First Contact" becomes a multi-dimensional experience.

First Contact Remixed

As the Alien Art album dawns on the horizon, we delve into the cosmic archive of the duo's tracks, and unveil fresh interpretations. "First Contact" is back for an encore, not once but twice, as Bliss and Skizologic weave their magic, presenting two new renditions that elevate the original composition to unexplored dimensions. Get ready to be abducted into a realm where beats transcend galaxies, and "First Contact" becomes a multi-dimensional experience.

1. First Contact (Bliss remix)
Remixed by: Bliss
2. First Contact (Skizologic remix)
Remixed by: Skizologic

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