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Living in the Now


Artists  Sandman

Label  Future Music Records (moved)

Knowing exactly how to build up solid, adrenaline inducing tracks, the heightened sensory effects of Sandman's new single 'Living in the Now' is best experienced with high-quality speakers or headphones. Fearless, rolling basslines and rich layers of fractalized, psychedelic soundscapes sweep us off our feet while bringing us into the present with a track that builds on that infinite space of possibility which exists in Living in the Now.

Living in the Now

Knowing exactly how to build up solid, adrenaline inducing tracks, the heightened sensory effects of Sandman's new single 'Living in the Now' is best experienced with high-quality speakers or headphones. Fearless, rolling basslines and rich layers of fractalized, psychedelic soundscapes sweep us off our feet while bringing us into the present with a track that builds on that infinite space of possibility which exists in Living in the Now.


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